
The beneficiaries search engine helps find information about subsidies that have been paid.

The list of payments contains information about the beneficiaries of the last two fiscal years. A fiscal year starts on 16 October and ends on 15 October next year. Information is published once a year after the end of the fiscal year by 31 May. Please note! The search engine of payments does not include lists of beneficiaries of the current fiscal year.

Information on payments is published pursuant to Article 98 of the Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The list contains beneficiaries of the following funds: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

The Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) does not publish the name of a recipient if the amount granted to the beneficiary across all support measures is no more than 1,250 euros per fiscal year. In this case, the name will be coded. If a local municipality has ten or less beneficiaries across all support measures or five or less of a single support measure, then only the county will be indicated on address line.

Starting from 1 December 2023, ARIB no longer discloses information on the satisfaction of support applications on its website, such as the names of applicants who have been awarded a subsidy and the amounts that were allocated. An applicant is notified of the award or non-award of a subsidy by e-mail sent to the official e-mail address of the client. Clients who do not use e-mail receive respective decisions by regular mail. In addition, clients can review any decisions concerning them on their personal ARIB accounts.

Measures chosen:

EAGF support

EAFRD support

Found 22 530 result. Showing 4 701 - 4 750 result.

Beneficiary Sort descending Address EAGF support EAFRD support Co-financed by Estonia Total of EAFRD support and Estonian co-financing Total
582845 LÄÄNEMAA, HAAPSALU LINN, 90407 1 396,34 465,46 1 861,80 1 861,80
582848 VÕRUMAA, ANTSLA VALD, 66404 1 215,86 1 215,86
5829 JÕGEVAMAA, JÕGEVA VALD, 48521 802,31 802,31
582909 PÕLVAMAA, PÕLVA VALD, 63204 330,37 330,37
583030 VILJANDIMAA, VILJANDI LINN, 71009 388,20 129,40 517,60 517,60
583039 PÕLVAMAA, PÕLVA VALD, 63206 1 114,50 432,00 144,00 576,00 1 690,50
583104 PÄRNUMAA, LÄÄNERANNA VALD, 90219 2 240,40 2 240,40
583183 SAAREMAA, SAAREMAA VALD, 94634 187,20 62,40 249,60 249,60
583190 LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA, TAPA VALD, 46010 584,94 584,94
583231 TARTUMAA, TARTU LINN, 50705 864,37 864,37
583233 LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA, TAPA VALD, 73603 525,81 525,81
583240 VILJANDIMAA, VILJANDI LINN, 71016 614,99 922,20 1 537,19
583255 HARJUMAA, KOSE VALD, 75119 701,08 701,08
583384 VÕRUMAA, ANTSLA VALD, 66301 838,25 838,25
583415 TARTUMAA, KAMBJA VALD, 62021 916,29 916,29
583543 TARTUMAA, ELVA VALD, 61111 163,35 54,45 217,80 217,80
58355 RAPLAMAA, KEHTNA VALD, 79016 976,95 325,65 1 302,60 1 302,60
58358 VILJANDIMAA, VILJANDI VALD, 69603 1 207,83 1 207,83
583666 IDA-VIRUMAA, ALUTAGUSE VALD, 42213 1 440,25 427,34 142,46 569,80 2 010,05
583751 VALGAMAA, VALGA VALD, 68111 1 026,45 342,15 1 368,60 1 368,60
583761 VALGAMAA, OTEPÄÄ VALD, 67304 413,40 413,40
583784 TARTUMAA, TARTU LINN, 51011 1 530,37 510,13 2 040,50 2 040,50
583977 VALGAMAA, OTEPÄÄ VALD, 67515 612,45 204,15 816,60 816,60
584009 VÕRUMAA, VÕRU VALD, 65512 1 108,79 1 108,79
584010 LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA, KADRINA VALD, 45221 150,00 50,00 200,00 200,00
584034 HIIUMAA, HIIUMAA VALD, 92014 1 948,58 1 948,58
58411 TARTUMAA, TARTU VALD, 49104 147,60 49,20 196,80 196,80
58413 TARTUMAA, TARTU VALD, 49118 1 834,43 182,43 27,77 210,20 2 044,63
584216 TARTUMAA, ELVA VALD, 61215 222,95 222,95
584232 VÕRUMAA, RÕUGE VALD, 66218 462,15 154,05 616,20 616,20
58446 SAAREMAA, SAAREMAA VALD, 94523 704,89 704,89
58446 SAAREMAA 392,81 392,81
584589 SAAREMAA, SAAREMAA VALD, 94612 909,90 303,30 1 213,20 1 213,20
584638 RAPLAMAA, RAPLA VALD, 78402 1 306,91 1 306,91
584746 TARTUMAA, ELVA VALD, 61503 57,15 19,05 76,20 76,20
584765 JÕGEVAMAA, JÕGEVA VALD, 48436 344,32 21,18 365,50 365,50
584778 LÄÄNEMAA, LÄÄNE-NIGULA VALD, 91204 307,33 307,33
585117 VÕRUMAA, RÕUGE VALD, 65026 203,61 203,61
5853 JÄRVAMAA, JÄRVA VALD, 73302 963,98 963,98
585341 SAAREMAA, SAAREMAA VALD, 93401 1 586,90 195,35 29,56 224,91 1 811,81
585383 VILJANDIMAA, VILJANDI VALD, 69704 502,58 502,58
585418 HARJUMAA, TALLINN, 13915 326,54 326,54
585426 PÄRNUMAA, PÕHJA-PÄRNUMAA VALD, 87201 513,92 230,17 76,73 306,90 820,82
585454 VALGAMAA, OTEPÄÄ VALD, 68219 300,00 100,00 400,00 400,00
585554 VÕRUMAA, VÕRU VALD, 65201 484,04 484,04
585604 JÕGEVAMAA, MUSTVEE VALD, 49312 572,40 572,40
585714 PÄRNUMAA, KIHNU VALD, 88003 211,29 253,66 4,84 258,50 469,79
585726 LÄÄNE-VIRUMAA, HALJALA VALD, 45435 36,45 12,15 48,60 48,60
585736 TARTUMAA, TARTU LINN, 61409 457,15 457,15
585757 TARTUMAA, TARTU VALD, 60538 893,68 893,68